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Adult Education Program (GED Program) Handbook


The Adult Learning Program (ALP) provides academic assistance to adults who have dropped out of high school and want to complete their General Equivalency Development diploma (GED).

Eligibility Requirements

Adult Eligibility – 16 years old and older:

The ALP serves minors of 16 years of age with parental/guardian consent as well as adults 18 years of age and older who are residents of the state of Oklahoma with preference given to Seminole Nation tribal members and then other Native Americans with a valid tribal card who have been referred from recognized tribal or state organizations. The parent/guardian of any minor participant will need to sign a release for 16 & 17 year old students regardless if said participant is Native American or Non-Native.

Intake Process:

1. All students must complete an enrollment packet. The enrollment packet includes the Seminole Nation Adult Education Application for Adult Ed. Services form, the student code of conduct agreement, program participation , due process and permission to release GED scores, GED transcript and GED diploma, photo release

2. Applicants who have been referred to the ALP from an outside agency or tribal facility must have a letter of referral on file stating the name of the referring agency, contact person, and the phone number for the contact person.

Program Participation Agreement

The following regulations for program participation are designed to create the best possible learning environment for students.

All students are required to sign a Program Participation Agreement

All students must attend regularly and reserve absences for extreme cases as excessive absences could lead to the loss of a student’s spot in the Seminole Nation Adult

Education GED program

All students are required to participate in a specific number of class hours to prepare for the GED test

All students enrolled in the Seminole Nation Adult Education GED Program must allow the Director to track placement in the Adult Learning Program

Student Code of Conduct

The following guidelines for classroom and facility conduct are designed to create the best possible learning environment for adult students.


Acceptable conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Excessive loud talking or other disturbing behavior, which in the opinion of the teacher is hindrance to the learning process, shall be avoided.

2. Making a social hour out of class time which can be a distraction to other students shall be avoided.

3. Disrespect for the teacher and/or the other students shall not be tolerated.

4. No use of obscene language or gestures.

5. Absolutely no bringing of any weapons, alcohol, or drugs onto or into the premises (includes the parking lot).

6. Displaying of signs of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol during class time will not be tolerated.

7. No smoking in or on the premises except for the designated smoking area.

8. Racial slurs, insults or insinuations will not be tolerated.

9. Please no immodest dress.

10. Falsification of information on any form, sign-in sheet, and/or any other program documents will not be tolerated.

11. All cell phones must be turned off and/or set to silent (at the discretion of the teacher) during class instruction. Students are NOT to receive or make calls during instruction time without the consent of the instructor.

12. No headphones, earphones, earbuds or other listening devices will be allowed during class time.

13. No sleeping is allowed during instruction time.

14. Students are to use the classroom computers only for working on authorized lessons assigned by the instructor.

15. Use of the internet is not allowed unless it is for completing an assignment made by the instructor.

16. Other behavior infractions which are deemed unacceptable by the instructor shall be prohibited.

17. No children will be allowed in the classroom.

Due Process

A student’s program participation can be terminated after one infraction. We, the Seminole Nation Adult Education Program Staff, want you, the student to succeed: therefore, we are asking that you help yourself and others by helping to maintain an environment conducive to learning. Adult learning classes are provided as a service to help you gain a higher level of academic achievement.

The following is the due process procedures as to how the program will respond and deal with student infractions:

1. A verbal warning will be issued to the student and a notation will be made in the said student’s folder for the first infraction.

2. A written warning will be issued, discussed with and signed by the student, and then placed into the student’s folder.

3. If the student’s conduct does not improve, the student will be terminated from the Seminole Nation Adult Education Program – GED class.

4. If there is a need, the Lighthorse Police and/or Seminole City police will be asked to assist with removing the student.

GED Certificate & Transcript and Photo Agreement & Release

Each student will submit a copy of his/her GED Certificate and Transcript to the Seminole Nation Adult Education Program as soon as he/she receives them from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Also, each student will allow a photo to be taken of his or herself holding his/her GED Certificate. Students will give permission for their photo to be submitted to the Seminole Nation Communications Office for publication in the tribal newspaper and also for the photo to be submitted to the Seminole Producer for publication in that newspaper as well.

Contacting the Adult Education Department

Should any student or prospective student have any questions or concerns, it is highly encouraged to contact the Seminole Nation Adult Education Office. You can do so several ways which include the following:

1. Visiting the Seminole Nation Adult Education Office located at 630 N. Main St in Seminole, OK 74868.

2. Writing to the Seminole Adult Education Staff at:

Seminole Nation Adult Education Program
P.O. Box 464
Seminole, OK 74818

3. Calling the Adult Education Office at 405-241-6801 (direct line) or 405-257-7200 (main line)

The staff would be more than glad to be of assistance to you.

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Lunch from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM